
Gcore Selects Telia Helsinki Data Center for Its Cutting-Edge AI GPU Cloud Infrastructure

2 min

Telia Helsinki Data Center has entered a strategic partnership with Gcore, the global edge AI, cloud, network, and security solutions provider, to support their groundbreaking AI GPU cloud infrastructure. The collaboration promises to revolutionize the way businesses harness the power of artificial intelligence.

At the core of this partnership is a state-of-the-art GPU server cluster housed in Telia Helsinki Data Center, boasting an impressive 1 MW+ capacity. These powerful computational resources will redefine the boundaries of AI research, machine learning, and data-intensive applications.
Gcore’s decision to choose Telia Helsinki Data Center was based on the facility’s groundbreaking sustainability and security features.

“We were impressed by the high security standards and the fact that the facility is powered exclusively by renewable energy sources — hydro, wind, and solar — with the excess heat reused for the heating of thousands of apartments in the Helsinki area,” says Dmitriy Gusakovskiy, Director of Infrastructure at Gcore.

“Thanks to the reuse of excess heat, Finland offers a competitive energy tax rate in the EU. Helsinki Data Center provides options for expansion and development for Gcore’s future needs. The modular design of the data center ensures scalability, agility, and adaptability to meet the most demanding customer needs,” says Michael Holm, Global Sector Lead, datacenter at Telia.

“Telia had our capacity up and running within a mere month of signing the contract, and the flexible pricing model, based on kilowatts consumed, makes our future planning and decision-making transparent and simple,” continues Gusakovskiy. “We look forward to a continued partnership with Telia Helsinki Data Center.”

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