Telia Ethernet

A modern and standardized Ethernet service for operators.

Telia Ethernet service

Our Telia Ethernet service extends everywhere in the Nordic and Baltic countries, and its extensive network provides unique coverage. One access point to our Ethernet service opens the door to all our Ethernet services. Our Ethernet connections can also be provided over 4G and 5G mobile access.

Telia Ethernet benefits for you

Ethernet Nordic

Ethernet Nordic product is one simple solution for both Nordic and Baltic areas. You need only one agreement and you'll get only one bill. Product is standardized with Nordic SLA. Nordic Ethernet uses single point of contact via leading country to ensure end-to-end quality of service.


Meidän kaikkien turvaverkko

Kaikki käyttämämme ja tuottamamme data kulkee aina operaattorin tarjoaman verkon kautta. Siksi on tärkeää, että tuo verkko on mahdollisimman turvallinen.

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Coverage map of Telia Ethernet 4G/5G subscriptions

Did you know that you can easily check the availability of Telia Ethernet 4G/5G subscriptions from coverage map?

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