Switch to the new Telia Prepaid top-up channel

The old Telia Prepaid online top-up channel, the Telia Prepaid top-up app and its Prepaid Family service and automatic top-up discontinued on 16 January 2025. No worries – you can easily top up and manage your subscriptions in the new top-up channel at telia.fi/topup.

Please note that automatic top-up will be available in the new top-up channel during spring 2025.

Transfer Prepaid Family subscriptions to My Prepaid

You can transfer all your Prepaid Family subscriptions to My Prepaid by selecting "Import Prepaid Family numbers" when logged in to the new channel.

Get started with the My Prepaid top-up channel

1.      Visit telia.fi/topup

2.     If you don’t have an account yet, select "Create an account" and then sign up for My Prepaid

3.     If you already have an account, select Login

The change is based on the grounds of section 10.1 of Telia’s general delivery terms for consumer customers: discontinuation of the provision of a telecommunications company’s service or its feature. Terms of delivery and service descriptions

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Telia Prepaid top-up channel gets an overhaul

Telia Prepaid will be updated on 16.10.2024, after which you can top up your subscription at telia.fi/topup.

The new top-up channel includes a desired feature that will make it easier for you to manage all your Telia Prepaid subscriptions, as you can top up and monitor balances conveniently in one place. 

The change is based on the grounds of section 10.1 of Telia’s general delivery terms for consumer customers: discontinuation of the provision of a telecommunications company’s service or its feature. Terms of delivery and service descriptions

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Upcoming Prepaid pricing changes

We are harmonising the pricing of Telia Prepaid on 2 December 2024. Some of the prices of the voice subscriptions will change: mobile call charge (mcc) €0.171/min (now €0.081/min), calls to service numbers €0.171/min + service number fee (now €0.081/min + service number fee), calls to voicemail €0.10/min (now €0.067/min).

Additionally some of the prices of the data subscriptions will change: mobile call charge (mcc) €0.171/min (now €0.081/min), calls to service numbers €0.171/min + service number fee (now €0.081/min + service number fee), calls to voicemail €0.10/min (now €0.081/min).

The changes are based on the grounds of change in item 10.1 of Telia’s general terms of delivery for consumers: reforming or harmonisation of contractual, pricing or customer service arrangements such as corporate or business arrangements. Terms of delivery and service descriptions

Please note that the pricing for domestic calls at standard rates for Telia Prepaid remains unchanged. The mobile call charge (mcc) refers to an additional fee added to the prices for calls to certain service and business numbers as well as calls outside the EU.

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Changes to the Telia Prepaid Bonus programme

We are renewing our Prepaid service. Due to low use, we have terminated the Telia Prepaid Bonus programme on April 2, 2024. Please note that you can use your bonus points accrued by April 1, 2024 until October 2, 2024.

The change is based on the grounds referred to in section 10.1 of Telia’s general terms of delivery for consumer customers: reformation or harmonisation of the agreement or pricing arrangements. Terms of delivery and service descriptions

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Information about the change in value-added tax

Due to a legislative change, Finland's general value-added tax changed from 24 percent to 25.5 percent starting from September 1st 2024. As a result, the prices of Telia's Prepaid plans for calls, text and multimedia messages, and international usage will increase by the amount of the tax change, which is practically 1.2 percent.

The change is based on section 10.1 of Telias general terms and conditions for consumer customers. You can find the new price list at telia.fi/prepaid and more information about the tax change at telia.fi/veromuutos (in Finnish).

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Questions and answers

Do you have a question regarding the top-up change? See if there is an answer to your question below.

We want to improve and develop our services and improve our customers’ prepaid subscription management. 

The new top-up channel will have a feature our customers have asked for, allowing you to manage and top up all your existing Telia Prepaid subscriptions more easily and track your balances in one place.

In the past, it has been possible to manage up to four prepaid subscriptions at a time. With the new top-up channel, you can manage up to 50 prepaid subsciptions.

You can create an account for yourself in the new top-up channel by logging in at telia.fi/topup. However, a Telia Prepaid plan can still be topped up without logging in.

First you need to create an account at telia.fi/topup. You will be able to log in at the same address after creating your account.

The top-up channel shows, for example, the validity of your subscriptions, the balance information and the top-up history. The top-up channel also allows you to manage your various prepaid accounts.

The new top-up channel allows you to manage more subscriptions. In addition to your own personal  subscription, you can manage and top up other subscriptions, such as subscriptions used by your family, a car heater, a CCTV system or a trail camera.

In addition to the top-up channel, Telia Prepaid subscriptions can be topped up at Telia Kauppa and R-kioski stores and other retailers. To find Telia Prepaid subscription retailers, visit telia.fi/prepaid.

Telia Prepaid

With Telia Prepaid you pay only for your use.

Telia Prepaid

With Telia Prepaid you pay only for your use.